Sustainable use

The sustainable management of the generated waste and the significant reduction of its quantities is a key aspect of the strategy for sustainable development of the Technical University of Sofia, since the appropriate processing of waste is directly related not only to the generated emissions, but also to the protection of the environment as a whole


In the waste sector, the strategy for sustainable development of the Technical University of Sofia outlines the goals set and the planned activities for their implementation, aimed at reducing the amount of waste generated by the university


Мерките, които са приложими за постигане на този баланс, включват насърчаването на възможностите за усвояване на практики за устойчиво управление на отпадъците от страна на студенти, преподаватели и административен персонал и ангажиране на общността със справяне с предизвикателствата, свързани с устойчивото управление на отпадъците

Reducing generated waste and promoting practices for sustainable management


Reducing the amount of generated waste

by 50% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Sustainable waste management

Implementing sustainable waste management practices through reduction of waste, reuse and recycling.

Reducing the total amount of waste generated



Comprehensive waste assessment

Performing a comprehensive waste assessment to identify areas of high generation and prioritize waste reduction measures.

Waste reduction program

Implementing a waste reduction program: composting, reducing food waste and reducing paper use.

Use of reusable products

Encouraging the use of reusable products such as water bottles, coffee cups, utensils, etc., and purchasing products with minimal packaging.

Reusing junk products

Reusing junk products that are in good condition by donating them (e.g. books) or using them at another site of the Technical University of Sofia (e.g. furniture and equipment).

Recycling program

Implementing a recycling program for all recyclable materials, including paper, cardboard, plastic and metal.

Digital documents

Increasing the use of digital documents instead of paper ones.

Raising awareness and improving education about sustainable waste management


Increasing awareness and improving education

 Increasing awareness and improving education about the sustainable waste management by 50% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Participation in scientific and educational programs

Increasing the university’s participation in various programs related to sustainable waste management by 25% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Increasing awareness and improving education
Increasing the university’s participation



Implementing educational courses and providing information

Implementing educational courses and providing information about sustainable waste management practices among students, academic and administrative staff by conducting workshops and seminars, building online resources and various awareness campaigns.

Sustainable waste management program

Developing a sustainable waste management program for the entire university campus, including specific values of reduced waste generation or its reuse/recycling, organizing competitions and providing various incentives.

Including in curricula and research activities

Including sustainable waste management practices in curricula and intensifying research activities in the field.

Public engagement to address the challenges of sustainable waste management


Establishing partnerships

Establishing partnerships with at least 5 local organizations aimed at addressing the challenges of sustainable waste management by 2025.

Sustainable solutions

Increasing education among society and popularizing topics related to sustainable waste management by 50% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Establishing partnerships
Increasing education among society



Establishing partnerships

Creating partnerships with local organizations to address challenges related to sustainable waste management, such as reducing waste generation, recycling and composting.

Public events

Participating in public events related to sustainable waste management, such as organizing public seminars on the topic, participating in events for cleaning surrounding territories (including for the branches and bases of the Technical University of Sofia), and building projects for reuse of waste products.

Education and information

Providing education and information on sustainable waste management topics to the local community, including primary and secondary schools, public organizations and local companies.

Let’s be sustainable together!