Sustainable use

The sustainable use of water resources is a key aspect of the strategy for sustainable development of Technical University of Sofia, because although water is a renewable resource, it is unevenly distributed, but vitally necessary for man, animal and plant life. Water satisfies basic human needs related to health, food production and energy.


In the water resources sector, the strategy for sustainable development of the Technical University of Sofia outlines the goals set and the planned activities for their implementation, aimed at reducing the amount of water used by the university.


Measures applicable to achieving this balance include promoting opportunities for sustainable resource use by students, faculty, and administrative staff and engaging the community in addressing the challenges of sustainable water use.

Reducing water consumption and promoting sustainable water use practices


Reduction of water consumption

Reduction of total water consumption by 25% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Implementation of sustainable practices

Implementation of practices for sustainable water resources use.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions



Comprehensive assessment

Carrying out a comprehensive assessment of water resource usability in the university to identify the areas with high water consumption and outline the priorities of resource-saving measures.

Installing flow devices

Installing controlled or reduced flow devices such as toilets, showers and faucets to reduce water consumption.

landscape practices for efficient water use

Implementing landscape practices that ensure efficient water use, such as landscaping with native plant species, rainwater harvesting, drip irrigation, etc.

Introducing water reuse systems

Introducing reuse systems of water from siphons and rainwater harvesting to reduce the amount of potable water used in devices such as toilet cisterns, irrigation systems, washing systems for pavement areas, etc.

Increase awareness and provide education about sustainable water use


Increasing awareness

Increasing awareness and education about sustainable water use by 50% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Participation in scientific and educational programs

Increasing the university’s participation in various scientific and educational programs related to water resource protection by 25% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Increasing awareness and education
Participation in scientific and educational programs



Educational courses and promotion

Creating educational courses and providing information about sustainable water use practices among students, academic and administrative staff by conducting workshops and seminars, providing online resources and various awareness campaigns.

Campus Water Conservation Program

Developing a water conservation program for the entire university campus, including specific values of water saved, conducting competitions and providing various incentives.

Inclusion in curricula and scientific projects

Including practices for sustainable water use in curricula and intensification of research activities aimed at sustainable water resources use.

Public engagement to meet the challenges, related to achieving sustainability in the water sector


Establishing partnerships

Establishing partnerships with at least 5 local organizations aimed at addressing challenges related to sustainable water resources use by 2025.

Sustainable solutions

 Increasing education among the public and promoting sustainable water resources use by 50% by 2030.
(base year: 2015)

Establishing partnerships
Sustainable use of water resources



Establishing partnerships

Establishing partnerships with local organizations to address challenges related to the sustainable use of water resources, such as reducing water consumption, protecting water sources and improving water quality indicators.

Public events

Participating in public events related to sustainable water resources use, such as organizing public seminars on the topic, participating in events to clean water sources (for example, rivers in the area of the university and its affiliates), joint construction of rainwater harvesting installations and others.

Education and information

Providing education and information on the sustainable use of water resources to the local community, including primary and secondary schools, community organizations and local businesses.

Let’s be sustainable together!